Northwest Hills Eye Care

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Routine eye exam for glasses only
Yearly ocular health exam with a prescription for glasses for patients who are not Low Vision. Not sure if you are Low Vision? See the description of a Low Vision Evaluation.
Yearly ocular health exam with a prescription for glasses for patients who are not Low Vision. Not sure if you are Low Vision? See the description of a Low Vision Evaluation.
Routine Contact Lens Exam
Yearly ocular health exam with a prescription for glasses and contacts for patients who are not Low Vision. Not sure if you are Low Vision? See the description of a Low Vision Evaluation.
Yearly ocular health exam with a prescription for glasses and contacts for patients who are not Low Vision. Not sure if you are Low Vision? See the description of a Low Vision Evaluation.
LASIK Consultation Appointment
LASIK Surgery Follow Up Visit
Follow up on recent LASIK surgery
Follow up on recent LASIK surgery
Contact Lens Follow Up Visit
I JUST had my contact lens exam and the new contacts the doctor presribed are not working. Or the doctor asked me to return to the office after wearing the new contact lens prescription for a week.
I JUST had my contact lens exam and the new contacts the doctor presribed are not working. Or the doctor asked me to return to the office after wearing the new contact lens prescription for a week.
Low Vision Evaluation
You have an ocular diagnosis (ie. Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Glaucoma, Retinopathy of Prematurity) and NEED to be evaluated for Low Vision devices (ie. hand held magnifiers, driving bioptics, CCTV, sight scopes)
You have an ocular diagnosis (ie. Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Glaucoma, Retinopathy of Prematurity) and NEED to be evaluated for Low Vision devices (ie. hand held magnifiers, driving bioptics, CCTV, sight scopes)
Low Vision Annual Exam
I am visually impaired, but DO NOT need to be evaluated for any low vision devices (ie. hand held magnifiers, driving bioptics, CCTV, sight scopes)
I am visually impaired, but DO NOT need to be evaluated for any low vision devices (ie. hand held magnifiers, driving bioptics, CCTV, sight scopes)
Urgent Visit
Eye injury, sudden onset of flashes or floaters or sudden loss of vision
Eye injury, sudden onset of flashes or floaters or sudden loss of vision
Cataract Surgery Evaluation
I think I might need cataract surgery
I think I might need cataract surgery
Cataract Surgery Follow Up Visit
Follow up on recent cataract surgery
Follow up on recent cataract surgery
CL exchange
Myopia Management
Cataract Pre-Op Check
Selection Required
- Dr. Laura Miller
- Dr. Selena Aloisio
- Dr. Lauren Aguilar
- Dr. Meghan Schutte
- Finishing Lab
- Lighthouse Optician
- Optician, Optician
- Tech, Tech
- Any Available Provider
If you have an eye injury, sudden onset of flashes or floaters or sudden loss of vision, please call the office at 512-328-0555 if you do not see an appointment available within 24 hours.
Select Appointment Time
If you have an eye injury, sudden onset of flashes or floaters or sudden loss of vision, please call the office at 512-328-0555 if you do not see an appointment available within 24 hours.
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