Established Patient - Contact Lens Exam (New Wearer)
Description: You are an established patient and want to try contacts for the first time
Established Patient - Eye Exam
New Patient - Contact Lens Exam
Description: You are a new patient to our office with an exisiting contact lens prescription.
New Patient - Contact Lens Exam (New Wearer)
Description: You are a new patient to our office and you want to try contact lenses for the first time.
New Patient - Eye Exam
New Patient - Medical Eye Exam
Description: You are a new patient with a history of Diabetes, Glaucoma, Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, etc
Myopia Management Consult
Description: You had a full eye exam within 3 months & would like to see how you can prevent your nearsigtedness from getting worse. We will discuss orthoKeratology, myopia management soft lenses, eye drops, special glasses and more.