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Comprehensive Eye Exam (New Patient)
Thorough comprehensive eye exams that consist of assessing key areas of your vision and eye health: vision, binocular status (eye aligntment, movement and motility), refractive status (prescription) and ocular health. The doctor will also take into consideration your lifestyle, daily visual demand and working distances to prescribe the right lenses that best suits your visual needs.
Thorough comprehensive eye exams that consist of assessing key areas of your vision and eye health: vision, binocular status (eye aligntment, movement and motility), refractive status (prescription) and ocular health. The doctor will also take into consideration your lifestyle, daily visual demand and working distances to prescribe the right lenses that best suits your visual needs.
Comprehensive Eye Exam (Previous Patient)
Thorough comprehensive eye exams that consist of assessing key areas of your vision and eye health: vision, binocular status (eye aligntment, movement and motility), refractive status (prescription) and ocular health. The doctor will also take into consideration your lifestyle, daily visual demand and working distances to prescribe the right lenses that best suits your visual needs.
Thorough comprehensive eye exams that consist of assessing key areas of your vision and eye health: vision, binocular status (eye aligntment, movement and motility), refractive status (prescription) and ocular health. The doctor will also take into consideration your lifestyle, daily visual demand and working distances to prescribe the right lenses that best suits your visual needs.
Contact Lens Exam (New Patient)
Comprehensive eye examination, glasses prescription and a contact lens fit/prescription (additional fee). Our doctors will fit you into the right contact lens modality that is the healthiest and best fit for your visual needs.
Comprehensive eye examination, glasses prescription and a contact lens fit/prescription (additional fee). Our doctors will fit you into the right contact lens modality that is the healthiest and best fit for your visual needs.
Contact Lens Exam (Previous Patient)
Comprehensive eye examination, glasses prescription and a contact lens fit/prescription (additional fee). Our doctors will fit you into the right contact lens modality that is the healthiest and best fit for your visual needs.
Comprehensive eye examination, glasses prescription and a contact lens fit/prescription (additional fee). Our doctors will fit you into the right contact lens modality that is the healthiest and best fit for your visual needs.
Red Eye Urgent Care Visit
Urgent care office visit for ocular emergencies such as eye infections, eye injury, contact lens related incidences and other eye urgencies that need to be addressed immediately.
Urgent care office visit for ocular emergencies such as eye infections, eye injury, contact lens related incidences and other eye urgencies that need to be addressed immediately.
Scleral Lens Fit (New Patient)
Customized specialty contact lenses for patients with corneal diseases and conditions such as keratoconus, pellucid marginal degneration, corneal trauma, corneal scarring and other corneal irregularities.
Customized specialty contact lenses for patients with corneal diseases and conditions such as keratoconus, pellucid marginal degneration, corneal trauma, corneal scarring and other corneal irregularities.
Myopia Control Evaluation
Solutions to slow the progression of myopia in your child with the use of specialty contact lenses that are comfortable, allow your child to see without glasses all while slowing the progression of nearsightedness. Myopia control is important because it may help reduce the risk of vision-threatening complications associated with high myopia later in life - including glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment and even blindness.
Solutions to slow the progression of myopia in your child with the use of specialty contact lenses that are comfortable, allow your child to see without glasses all while slowing the progression of nearsightedness. Myopia control is important because it may help reduce the risk of vision-threatening complications associated with high myopia later in life - including glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment and even blindness.
Selection Required
- Dr. Catherine Luo, OD
- Dr. Jennifer Castillo, OD (formerly Khem)
- Dr. Shreya Patel, OD
- Dr. Minette Tsang, OD
- Any Available Provider
If you have an eye injury, sudden onset of flashes or floaters or sudden loss of vision, please call the office if you do not see an appointment available within 24 hours.
Select Appointment Time
If you have an eye injury, sudden onset of flashes or floaters or sudden loss of vision, please call the office if you do not see an appointment available within 24 hours.
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