If you have an eye injury, sudden onset of flashes or floaters or sudden loss of vision, please call the office if you do not see an appointment available within 24 hours.
Select Appointment Time
If you have an eye injury, sudden onset of flashes or floaters or sudden loss of vision, please call the office if you do not see an appointment available within 24 hours.
Fill In Your Information
Fields marked with * are required
Full First Name - No Nicknames or Spaces
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Start with area code
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Confirmation and Pre-Exam instructions will be sent here
If you are using VSP or Eyemed but do not have a medical insurance, click Patient Pay under the medical tab. Please bring your insurance information and cards with you to your appointment.
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Private Pay
By checking this box, you are choosing to be a private pay patient.
Private Pay
By checking this box, you are choosing to be a private pay patient.