Vision Source-Diane L Yu-Davis
Vision Source-Diane L Yu-Davis
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Eyeglass Exam-- for Sat apts please call or text
Includes checking the health of your eyes and eyeglass Rx. Retinal Imaging/Dilation extra
Includes checking the health of your eyes and eyeglass Rx. Retinal Imaging/Dilation extra
Contact Lens Exam- for Sat apts please call or text
Includes checking the health of your eyes, eyeglass and contact lens Rx, trial lenses, follow up
Includes checking the health of your eyes, eyeglass and contact lens Rx, trial lenses, follow up
Medical Office Visit- For Sat apts please call or text
Red eyes, irritaion, itchiness, possible foreign body in eye, etc
Red eyes, irritaion, itchiness, possible foreign body in eye, etc
For patients interested in Neurolenses
Patients with a current Rx wanting to be evaluated for Neurolenses
Patients with a current Rx wanting to be evaluated for Neurolenses
First Specialty CL
Selection Required
- VEP-ERG 40 min per pt
- Dr Yu-Davis - Speaks English, Spanish, Chinese
- Any Available Provider
If you have an eye injury, sudden onset of flashes/floaters or sudden loss of vision, please CALL/TEXT the office. Please note if you do not provide complete/current insurance information or if we are unable to confirm your insurance your visit will be charged PRIVATE PAY. If you plan to use Groupon please choose the box under "Insurance". Please call/text for appointments within 24 hrs.
Select Appointment Time
If you have an eye injury, sudden onset of flashes/floaters or sudden loss of vision, please CALL/TEXT the office. Please note if you do not provide complete/current insurance information or if we are unable to confirm your insurance your visit will be charged PRIVATE PAY. If you plan to use Groupon please choose the box under "Insurance". Please call/text for appointments within 24 hrs.
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